1. Login to your brand application and select the Samples header in the left navigation pane.

2. Locate the Sample record that you wish to duplicate by filtering and/or selecting the appropriate View. 

3. Select the green [clone] icon in the second column from the left.

4. You will see a Clone Sample form, displaying those fields that are configured in your brand app for Sample cloning. This new record contains identical values as the original Sample, but is not related to any other record(s) (e.g. it is not linked to a Product Child, Parent or Grouping). You can modify any value(s) that should be different from the original Shot record such as:

  • Barcode Value: This is unique identifier to differentiate this Sample from others. Depending on your brand workflow, this value may need to be entered manually, or it can be generated using the [left arrow] (generate a value) button on the right side of the empty Barcode Value field. 
  • Unique ID: This value may be used to identify the Sample independently from the Barcode Value, such as utilizig a SKU or product identifier to link the Sample to a specific product 

5. Optionally, you can relate this Sample record to other record(s) in your brand app in order to connect it to other elements of your workflow. Generally, a Sample is linked to a Product Child and/or Parent record, as well as oneor more Shots. You may also choose to assign the Sample to a Shipment, for transportation to another location. If your brand app has optional modules enabled, there will be additional relationships in the righthand Related Items pane, such as Requests. Selecting the [+] (add relationship) button on any of the available headers in the Related Items pane will display a Search box where you can search for the record you want linked to this Sample. Selecting the record from the search results list will relate it to the new Sample.  If you wish to link the Sample to any other record(s), repeat the process as needed.

6. Select the [Create Sample] button to complete creation of the Sample record.