You can use Style Guides in Capture One Pro as overlays. If there are multiple Style Guides related to a record, only the first (the style guide that shows first in the Style Guide window of ShotFlow capture) Style Guide can be used. 

  1. When a Style Guide is related to multiple records that also have relationships with each other, then ShotFlow will consider the Style Guide attached to the Shot as the "first" one. If there isn't a Style Guide attached to the shot, then it will look to the Grouping or if there is isn't a grouping, it will look to the Product Child. The remaining structure of how Style Guides are ordered can be found below: 

  2. Shot -> Style Guide
  3. Shot -> Grouping -> Style Guide
  4. Shot -> Grouping -> Product Child -> Product Parent -> Style Guide
  5. Shot -> Product Child -> Product Parent -> Style Guide

Currently, if there is more than one Style Guide related to one record (for example, 2 Style Guides related to a shot), there is no default logic implemented to determine which is first. The relationship isn't ordered by default; therefore, which Style Guide may show as the "first" is randomly determined. If the desire is to order the Style Guides, then a Sort parameter of "Style Guides" must be set in the relationship (for this example "Many Style Guides are related to Many Shots." Please open a support ticket to request this configuration change.) This allows the order of the Style Guides in the related panel to be respected, making the first Style Guide shown in the panel, the first style guide shown in the capture panel, thus making it the Overlay in Capture One Pro. The sort parameter can also be set to determine which Product Parent or Grouping should show "first."