Users can log into ShotFlow capture from any station that has the application installed, provided they have access to a Studio app and they are in a role with permissions to access capture. 

1. Launch ShotFlow capture

2. Enter username and password [the same credentials used to log into the cloud (platform)].

3. If you have access to multiple Studios, choose the Studio you wish to log into; otherwise, you may briefly see the Studio selection screen with your single Studio displayed as disabled (grayed out). 

4. Once the Sets from the Studio are available, choose the Set you wish to log into. Note Sets already selected by another active user will be disabled (grayed out) and cannot be selected.

5. Upon logging in, the local cache for capture is wiped, enabling you to start with a "clean slate." This reduces the chance for unexpected behavior potentially caused by corrupt cache. 

6. You may also be prompted to download the most recent version of capture if a new release is available. To learn more about capture updates: Updating ShotFlow Capture