Ship it!


  • A device running iOS release: 15.0 or higher

  • Access to at least one ShotFlow Brand and Studio app, including the Access Mobile Application permission in the user's role
  • For updating Sample Locations and moving Locations to a new Area, users must log in via a ShotFlow Studio app configured with Areas and Locations. 
  • Please contact to request configuring your app.

Installation Procedure

1. Access the ShotFlow Samples & Styling mobile app on the App Store 

2. Download and install to your iOS device, or update your app if already installed.

What’s New?

  • Updated Ship Flow. Assigning Samples to Shipments is enhanced to show you which shipment any scanned samples are already linked. From there, it's easy to select the shipment to link to the samples.
    • Samples already linked to a shipment can remain linked to the existing shipment or be assigned to a new shipment. 

  • Shipments with Areas. A shipment can be associated to an Area for easier tracking of where the box is and if it's ready to be picked up by the carrier.
    • When linking samples to an existing shipment or creating a new shipment, you now have the option to choose move the shipment to an area.
    • Now you can better keep track of where that shipment box is! 

What Did We Fix?

  • Field Settings. We now honor the right field settings for the data included in your sample views. 

  • Offline Error. We've made it more clear when your internet connection isn't available, so you can more quickly fix it! 

  • Not Scanned Products to a Grouping. You can now better recognize the items already associated to a grouping.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns:!

Got a friend who needs these release notes? They can opt-in here!