There are several tokens that can be used for the naming convention of a shot in capture and for the creation of the Capture session subfolder in Capture One. 

Shot Naming Conventions are typically addressed via the Data Ingest Logic, and are based on a defined set of business logic; however, the "Capture - Naming Format" field on the Shot List does allow you to configure different tokens as explained below. This means you are able to change which tokens drive the Capture Naming Format per Shot List. 

Capture Subfolders are named at the Shot List level using the "Capture - Subfolder - Naming Format" field. This means that you are able to name your subfolders differently for each Shot List based on the style of shooting for that Shot List. How you name the subfolder for a lay-down Shot List can be completely different than how you name for an on-figure Shot List.

The Shot List field "Capture - Naming Format" will populate the "Next Capture Naming - Format" field in Capture One. 

The Shot List field "Capture - Subfolder - Naming Format" will populate the "Next Capture Location - Destination" field in Capture One.

Supported tokens for Capture Naming ("Capture - Naming Format")

[Name] - This pulls in the value from the Naming Convention field in the Shot record.

[Digit Counter] - (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) This will reset the incremental capture counter with connection of each shot.

[Camera Counter] - This will continue to increment the appended count without resetting regardless of which shot is being connected.

[Date(MMM dd yyyy)] - Any variation of the date fields can be used as available in Capture One Pro.

[Destination Folder Name] -  This will pass the current capture folder's name as the capture name.

Supported tokens for Capture Session Subfolder Naming ("Capture - Subfolder - Naming Format")

Fields from various tables in ShotFlow can be used to populate the session subfolder name, including fields from the following tables: 




Product Children

Product Parents



Shot Lists

NoteThe fields should also be added to ShotFlow Capture Default/API views for the token to be pulled in Capture One.


To format the tokens, you must enclose the Table Name. Field Name in brackets as such: [Table Name.Field Name]. The fields must be included in the Capture Views and the correct nested permissions should be given to ensure the values are passed into the naming structure of the subfolder as expected. 

ShotFlow capture doesn't currently support Naming without the use of the Digit Counter or Camera Counter tokens. If a Digit Counter (or Camera Counter) is not included you will receive this error and won't be able to capture shots. This is to ensure that each capture for a shot remains unique (is not overwritten) and an XMP sidecar will be generated for each unique shot.