ShotFlow Glossary

Modified on Thu, 27 Jun at 5:15 PM

TermDefinitionSynonymsShotFlow App(s) or Module(s)
AnglePhotographic imagery that represents a different view or component of a subject. Common examples are Front, Back, Side, Detail, etc.Variant, Shot
AreaThe largest physical spaces for storing samples within a studio facility. Common examples include rooms and sets. Further divided into Locations.
studio app
AssetAn individual file that was selected and processed to a standard file format and being used in a production workflow process. This the ultimate deliverable from a Shot, and there can be many Assets created from a Shot.File, Image, Contentassets, an optional brand module
Asset AutomationThe process of automating movement of asset files from one location to another, including from one computer to another within a common network, within folders on a server, and/or connection to file transfer services such as SFTP.
asset automation module
Baseline RequirementsThe minimum set of criteria required to successfully utilize an application as intended. This may include specific operating systems, software versions, and computer specifications such as memory and storage space. 

Beach BallingRotating, circular "color wheel" that is seen on a MacOS computer when an application is not responding. This can have many different causes, but is most commonly at least one running application becoming unstable

BrandUnique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these, employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors. Over time, this image becomes associated with a level of credibility, quality, and satisfaction in the consumer's mind (referred to as positioning). Thus brands help harried consumers in crowded and complex marketplace, by standing for certain benefits and value. Legal name for a brand is trademark and, when it identifies or represents a firm, it is called a brand name. More here
Product Line, Label"brand" is a "core" ShotFlow app that contains brand-specific data, including Product Parents & Children, Shots, Shot Lists, Samples, Talent, Style Guides, etc.
C1 Status BarThe bottom gray bar of ShotFlow Capture that has a Capture One Pro logo and will either appear red if not connected or blue if connected. There will also be a folder structure when a shot is connected, that you can click on to open the folder location. Capture One Status Bar

calendars, an optional brand module
Campaigns/ProjectsTop level initiatives, typically defined by Marketing, that encompass many creative deliverables. Common examples include seasonal launches, catalogs, and/or marketing campaigns. Can be divided into one or more Jobs/Channels
campaigns, an optional brand module
Capture One ProCapture software utilized by a large percentage of professional photographers and studios for capturing and processing RAW (unprocessed) image files from a wide range of professional camera models.C1, Capture OneShotFlow Capture integrates to Capture One Pro locally
CatalogA means to collect images in Capture One. It’s the best and fastest way to be able to compare and simultaneously work with images that are cousins to each other. More information on Catalogs.CatalogueShotFlow does not currently support Capture One Catalogs.
ChannelA delivery destination for imagery, such as US eCommerce, that has specific imagery needs which are distinct from other delivery channels. A child of one or more Campaigns/Projects
campaigns, an optional brand module

Charts are individual data visualizations in the form of bar, line, pie, or gauge formats. Each client can define the charts the organization wants to see in SF, including which Report(s) and/or Dashboard(s) those graphs and charts appear on.

Child ShotA shot that serves as a "child" of a Hero Shot. These are typically additional angles that are sometimes optional.

CloningThe process of duplicating a shot or record to carry over certain data into a new record or shot. The most common purpose for this action is creating additional Shots (most often Angles) that are determined to be needed by the production teamCopying
CloudShorthand for "the database in the cloud" - implying the presence of a particular SF database that is stored in our cloud infrastructure.App, Application, Database
ColorwayA specific color offering of a product, typically in a case where there is a common Style that is offered in multiple color options,Color variant
Configurations, Data IngestThe data mappings and record logic associated with each named ingest configuration (source file/structure to a specific Studio app) within the Data Ingest functionalityConfigs
Configurations, Shot ListThe various controls and options available to configure a Shot List 's rules and behaviors in the Capture ModuleConfigs
DAM (Digital Asset Management)A business process for organizing, storing and retrieving rich media and managing digital rights and permissions. Rich media assets include photos, music, videos, animations, podcasts and other multimedia content.
A DAM in commonly "down stream" of ShotFlow, and ideally the DAM should be able to index the XMP metadata within ShotFlow assets.

A specially designated Report that is presented to users upon login to a SF brand, studio or executive dashboard app. There can be multiple Dashboards defined in each app that are assigned to specific role(s) within the organization, tailoring the SF visual experience to the needs of each role.

Home Page
Data IngestThe SF feature set that enables ingestion of data from client Systems of Record into a specific client app in the SF platform.Data Ingest Engine (DIE)
Data IntegrationA single automated file-based data ingest from one 3rd party location (, Dropbox, SFTP, etc.), typically configured using Integromat or Zapier

Detail PanelIn ShotFlow Capture, this is the panel that is displayed when looking at a specific shot (or Shot List or Product Data Record).

DownstreamPart of the production process that involves processing the materials collected during the upstream stage into a finished product.

Drag and DropThe process of selecting one or more files and using the cursor to "drag" them to a new location, then releasing ("dropping") them in a new location. ShotFlow capture supports this capability for image and video files that were captured previously, and when dropped onto a Shot, make copies of those files with proper naming, metadata tagging, and folder location, as defined by the Shot and Shot List.
DrapeSimulating a different product through retouching in post-production, to match the intended product. This may be necessary when a particular sample is unavailable for photography, or when it is faster to make small changes in retouching than to shoot every variant of similar products.Color Correct
Edge CaseA problem or situation that occurs only outside of normal operating parameters—specifically one that manifests itself when multiple environmental variables or conditions are simultaneously at extreme levels, even though each parameter is within the specified range for that parameter. This can be expected or unexpected.Corner Case, Fringe Case
EstimateAn approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something. For SF1 this usually includes cost and time.


Executive DashboardA special dashboard built to aggregate data across multiple apps, most commonly for a multi-brand or multi-studio corporation that wants to see production work holistically
Optional "core" app in ShotFlow (future state)
FilterA pre-configured limiter on the data within a View, Chart, Event, etc. utilizing boolean logic to define the filtering criteria. Filters are configured along with other attributes of the object and cannot be removed "on the fly" when interacting with the object.

Functional RequirementProducts, systems, software, and processes are means to deliver, satisfy, or meet business requirements. It is common for clients to attempt to define functional requirements in addition to, or in place of, business requirements. This leads to poor outcomes in the context of developing complex technology solutions.FR
GearEquipment, such as cameras, lighting, and grip, that is used to produce visual content. Represents a significant investment by the client and may need to be tracked and inventoried
gear, an optional studio module
GroupingA database record that enables the business to know which product(s) are Grouped together in an individual Shot."Look" [fashion], "Family" [retail] groupings, an optional brand module
Hero ShotThe primary, or highest profile, shot. Its "children" are Associated Shots. This concept is primarily used in ecommerce, where there is a key image that serves as the default on the site, and the other images are secondary views.

IngestThe process of consuming client data  (either manually via spreadsheets, and/or automatically via data feeds) into the client app. Consumption of the data must meet specific criteria set forth in the configuration process and is run against a set of logical client business rules to create or update records (product, sample, shot).Data Ingest
IntegromatA SaaS toolset built to enable integration of various SaaS platforms, such as Google Drive,, Dropbox, and many others, without the need to write "one off" APIs. It uses a similar model to IFTTT and Zapier. ShotFlow utilizes Integromat to automate flat file ingests from clients into the DIE.

Job/Channel"Medium size" buckets of work that align to how the business divides and costs production work. Many Jobs/Channels can belong to one or more Campaigns/Projects, and can be divided into one or more Requests.
campaigns, an optional brand module
LaydownA method of capturing shots of a product or a group of products where the sample is laid on a flat surface, most commonly a white sweep.Flats
LeverageUtilize an existing image to fulfill the need for photography when an existing Asset will meet the need, when a Sample is unavailable, or for other reasons, negating the need to capture new imagery,

List PanelIn SF Capture, this is the panel of all assigned Shot Lists with all of the shots contained on that list. (Default panel when opening SF Capture)

LocationThe smallest physical spaces for storing samples within a studio facility. Common examples include racks, carts, and shelves. Many locations can be assigned to an Area.
studio app
LogicA set of client defined business rules that determine how to create or update new products, samples and shots when client data is ingested via Data IngestClient Logic, Shot LogicMaybe these are broken out? 
Make (formerly Integromat)A SaaS toolset built to enable integration of various SaaS platforms, such as Google Drive,, Dropbox, and many others, without the need to write "one off" APIs. It uses a similar model to IFTTT and Zapier. ShotFlow utilizes Make to automate an array of functions, including flat file ingests from clients into Data Ingest.

MetadataData [information] that provides information about an asset. Many distinct types of metadata exist, among these descriptive metadata, structural metadata, administrative metadata, reference metadata and statistical metadata. More specifically to image assets, there are multiple metadata standards present in image files, including EXIF (camera data), IPTC (author/ownership/general descriptive data) as well as XMP.
ShotFlow utilizes XMP custom schema for metadata tagging
Metadata PanelPre-defined metadata layouts that configure how much of an image or video's metadata is visible in an Adobe application. These panels display important metadata for key tasks such as retouching in Adobe Photoshop or editing video in Adobe Premiere
Naming ConventionThe way that an image is named for use in post processing and storage. This is typically comprised of one or more tokens found in Capture One. An example of a naming convention token would be Name/_v/2 Digit Counter, while the actual Capture One "Name" token is supplied via the "Naming Convention" field in the Shot.

Needs Attention FlagA flag associated with a Shot that indicates there is additional information that should be reviewed prior to proceeding with capture. In the Capture Module, this flag appears in the form of a red triangular "warning" symbol next to the Shot Title. Most commonly this flag is triggered by the presence of data in one or more Notes fields.

On FigureA method of capturing shots of a product or a group of products where the sample is worn on a subject, typically a model.On Model

A particular design (such as a dress with a certain structure and cut) that is then offered in multiple versions, such as sizes and colors. The specific versions offered are Product "children".Style (most common in the fashion/apparel market), Program (specific to Gap Inc), Master SKUpart of the brand module
Parent ShotA shot that serves as a "parent" of one or more shots. In ecommerce, this is the primary view of the product on the PDP
Hero Shot

Pin-upA method of capturing shots of a product or a group of products where the sample is pinned to a panel or other object in order to show how it hangs. Considered visually superior that laying the product flat for many apparel items.

PlatformThe overall ShotFlow solution, including al its components and modules.Tool
Post ProductionActivity/process that takes place after the capture of an image. This usually consists of Clipping Path/Masking, Retouching, Review/Approval, etc.

Product ChildAn individual item that is distinct from other items offered by the brand. Often a Product is just one version or "flavor" of a parent Product. Example: A specific sneaker style with a specific fabric pattern and color combination.Item, SKU, Style + Color, PDR (Product Data Record)

Product Parent
A product object that has at least one variant (child) that all inherit the attributes of this object. A common example in apparel is a Style that offers multiple colorways or options.

Product Detail Page (PDP)
A web page dedicated to an individual product, which often contains multiple views of the product as well as product description and related information.

Product Information Management (PIM)A business System of Record for managing product data at a very granular level, tracking all the detailed attributes of products.
This is often a primary data source for driving the studio process.
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)A system for managing product data at a more strategic level, focused on planning for intro and exit of products from the brand offering. 
This can be a data source for driving the studio process.
Purchase Order (PO)A commitment to buy a particular item, which sets in motion many of the activities related to product photography.

QueryA request for data or information from a database table or combination of tables. This data may be generated as results returned by Structured Query Language (SQL) or as pictorials, graphs or complex results, e.g., trend analyses from data-mining tools.


Reports are combinations of one or more Charts, Text elements, and/or Table Views that combine these multiple elements to tell a richer story about the data. There can be any number of custom reports created in SF, either by the SF Professional Services team, by the client Administrator role, or a combination of both.

RequestA business need for creative content or samples. This is a highly flexible object to reflect how each brand manages their creative production process. A Request can be linked to one or more Shots, Groupings, and/or Samples to reflect granular production "buckets" that enable visibility and tracking of studio work.
requests, an optional brand module
Protected FieldsFields used by the SF platform that must be present in order for the platform to work properly. Examples include the Shot "Title" and "Status" fields, and many of the Shot List setting fields.
Sometimes referred to as "Reserved" fields in SF 1.0
SampleA physical object that is used as a subject for producing creative content, and can only represent up to one Product. Tracking these physical objects is often a critical capability for driving studio production.
samples, an optional brand module
ScopeThe part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. Our projects are scoped based on a Business Requirements Document (BRD)

Scope CreepRefers to changes, continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project's scope, at any point after the project begins. This can occur when the scope of a project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled.Requirement Creep, Kitchen Sink Syndrome
SearchA user action to reduce the amount of data being shown to the user. There different types of searches supported in ShotFlow depending on the type of object being searched, e.g Views support simple, Advanced and List searches. 

SeasonA particular period when a product is sold or featured. The fashion industry traditionally works in two distinct seasons. Spring/summer refers to the six-month period from January through June, and fall/winter refers to the months from July through December. However individual brands may have any number of Seasons within the year.
Seasons can be mapped into the campaigns module as either "Campaigns" or "Job/Channels"
Security Token
A portable device that authenticates a person's identity electronically by storing some sort of personal information. The owner plugs the security token into a system to grant access to a network service. Security Token Services (STS) issue security tokens which authenticate the person's identity.

ShotFlow utilizes tokens for maintaining on-going access, and SF capture retrieves a token via API. 
SessionIn Capture One, this is the "main" folder named after the shoot (ex: subject, customer, date) as parent folder, and a few subfolders for the incoming captures, the selected images, the trashed and the processed images. More information on Sessions
Capture One can operate either via Sessions and/or Catalogs.
Shot ListA grouping of Shots that will be assigned to a single Set or shared among several Sets, and may utilize a certain set of Talent resources.Set List
SetA special Location where production work is done, which can relate to 0-n Shot Lists, is tied to a single capture Station, and can include links to 0-n Gear.Baypart of the studio app
ShipmentA collection of Samples that are packaged together for the purpose of delivering to a specific Studio.
samples, an optional brand module
Shop the LookWhen more than one product is visible in an asset, this is the ability for a customer to explore any product featured in the asset and link to a way to buy any of the products they may be interested in.

ShootA 'bucket' of work used for shot production planning and execution purposes, typically with a specific time window. The parent of 0-n Shot Lists, linked to 0-1 Studios, to enable data flow to and from a brand and a studio app.
can exist in both a brand and a studio app
ShotA distinct capture request defined by client business logic that could represent 0 to n Products. Once captured, the resulting processed images are referred to as Assets.Capture, Shot Requestpart of the brand app
Shot ListFormerly a Set List in 1.0; A grouping of Shots that will be assigned to a single Set or shared among several Sets, and may utilize a certain set of Talent resources. Set Listpart of the brand app
Shot RetrievalA means of "self-assigning" Shots to a Set List through entry of a barcode value. This functionality is used in "Sample-driven" workflows where instead of pre-assigning specific Shots to specific Sets, the presence of a Sample is the trigger that assets are needed, and the capture team just wants to know which Shot(s) are required for the associated by barcode scan, shot "pull" workflowfeature in ShotFlow capture
Shot TypeAn attribute of a Shot that categorizes it within a certain criteria. This can be configured to any set of choices that are applicable for the individual brand, but most commonly address the different type of shooting work done in the studio, such as On-Figure vs. Laydown vs. Campaign. Note that Shot Type is critical to the Shot Retrieval workflow because the Set List will auto-assign only Shots that match the "Default Shot Type" value in the Set List (if present)

ShotFlow Capture
The on-Set application installed locally on a Mac OS system, and syncing to the cloud database to reflect current data. Also automates a local Capture One Pro or Enterprise instance
Capture Module, CM

ShotFlow Super AdminA user role that allows for complete administrative control over the SF platform, limited to SF employees.Super Admin
Smarter Asset AutomationAn enhancement to Asset Automation, adding metadata-driven behaviors and rules, as well as automated creation and update of Assets in a brand app

smarter asset automation, an optional module
Status BarReferring to the bottom of the detail view window in the Capture Module that shows the folder structure of the shot connected to C1

StudioA physical facility where production work is done, typically divided into Locations for Samples, equipment, and props, as well as Sets for creating content.
a "core" app that contains studio-specific data, including Sets, Studio Talent, Studio Calendars, and Gear
Studio Production Management (SPM)A category of technology tool that was coined by ShotFlow to define the "market problem" we address, since there was no established category definition.

Style GuideA guide that includes templates and detailed instruction for every aspect of both a photo shoot and post processing. This is typically accompanied by a sample image that meets that criteria laid forth in a style guide.
part of style guides, an optional brand module
SwatchA small sampling (usually a piece of cloth or fabric) designed to represent a larger whole. Swatches offer the advantage of illustrating how colours and patterns will appear on an actual fabric, something that may not be readily apparent from a paper or digital design. This term can also refer to to color data representing the target color for the fabric or product.
part of swatches, an optional brand module
System AdministratorA client user role that allows for creation, deletion, editing and sharing privileges in the SF platform. 

TalentA personnel resource that does production work. Represents a significant component of Cost per Shot and in some cases (Models primarily) inclusion in an image imparts usage limits on the assets featuring that resource.
part of talent, an optional brand module, and studio talent, an optional studio module
TaxonomyThe science of classification according to a pre-determined system with the result of having pre-determined value(s) that are known to be valid in a data structure. E.g. for the field "Department" the only valid entry is a number between 1 and 63.

TetheredConnecting a camera to computer so that when shooting images, they are transferred directly to the computer and stored there, without the need to transfer from a card.

Time TrackingAn optional SF module that is used to track the actual time a Shot is selected locally in the Capture Module. As a user selects, deselects and re-selects an individual Shot, the elapsed the Shot remains selected is tracked in a Shot Duration field. The time data is synced to the cloud and can be used fo reporting, measuring and planning purposes.

TitleA field on the Shots table in a SF brand app. In SF Capture, the Shot Title is used for the Photographer to identify which product is being captured. This Title does not directly translate to any field in Capture One Pro or Studio.

Use CaseA specific situation in which a product or service could potentially be used. Often defined via a User Story

User Story

The characteristics of the proposed solution from the viewpoint of system end user. This is entirely distinct from Functional Requirements, which are the means to deliver the User Story.
They typically follow a simple template in Agile:

As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >.

Business Requirement (BR), stakeholder requirements specification (StRS)

VendorA source for products and samples, typically the manufacturer of the product.
part of vendors, an optional brand module
ViewA way to show table data that contains only the fields desired, and may also be tied to certain searching/filtering criteria to deliver the most precise information available for a Use Case.

Visual Standard
A defined set of visual criteria to determine if an asset is acceptable. Brands often change or upgrade their standards over time, making assets shot in the prior Standard no longer compliant to the current Standard.
Brand standard, content standard
WorkflowThe definition, execution and automation of business processes where tasks, information or documents are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules

XMPeXtensible Metadata Platform. This is an ISO standard originally developed by Adobe for defining custom metadata that can be embedded in the header of files and read by compliant applications. More at:
ShotFlow Capture utilizes custom XMP schema (as defined by each client) to auto-tag assets at the point of capture (when shooting tethered to Capture One Pro) or via Drag and Drop

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