The Filter function works differently in Product Centric View, as it filters against Products, Groupings and/or Samples, instead of Shot Titles. Entering a portion of a unique identifier for any Product, Grouping or Sample with assigned Shots on this Shot List will reduce the displayed value(s) on the Products Panel to only those containing the string entered in the Filter bar.

Some examples of unique identifiers might be as follows: 

Products - SKU, UPC, etc. This value can vary across Brands, but must be unique and representative of the Product Child relationship.

Groupings - Name, Grouping Number

Samples - Barcode Value, UPC

You may also choose to filter products based on their status. 

From the View Menu, hover over Visible Statuses to pop open a list of three possible statuses to filter by: Ready, In Progress, and Completed. If a checkmark appears before the status, all products matching that status will be visible on the list view. You may choose to check or uncheck multiple statuses to obtain your desired result.

 Note that when you filter by status, a statement appears with the option to show the hidden status(es).

You may also layer the visible statuses filter with the filter search box to narrow your results to an even more detailed list of products. 

*Please note that Shot Lists should not exceed 300 shots as it may impact performance and cause undesirable issues. The recommend limit of 300 or less shots is for all shot lists assigned to a set (excluding Completed Shot Lists). This means if you have 2 shot lists of 300 shots each, this exceeds the limit; however, 2 shots lists with a combined total of 300 would be acceptable. The more shots you have on a Set, the more it will affect performance.