1. Select an app for ingesting data from the Applications panel
  2. Select Ingest under the Data Ingest header in the left navigation pane (only users with appropriate permissions will see this header)

  3. You will be prompted to drop or upload a source file. It is critical to utilize a data format identical to the one used for a pre-existing Configuration.

  4. You will be prompted to select an existing Configuration. Be sure the selected Configuration matches the formatting of the ingestion file exactly. 

  5. Select [Begin Import].

  6. The import process will proceed and display a status panel providing updates as the ingest process progresses.

  7. Once the ingest has been processed, the Status panel will display three buttons at the top of the screen:

    1. [ Finalize ] - Selecting this button will update the production data in the app with the new data, per the information in the status panel. This button should only be selected if you are certain that the ingest has created desirable results. If there are concerns about the outcome of the data ingest, refer to the [ Preview ] feature, below

    2. [ Preview ] - Selecting this button enables you to preview the results of the ingest within the current app without making any changes to the production data. Using this option, you can navigate within the app as you normally would, but the app is simulating the results of the ingest prior to applying them to production data. This is a perfect way to do a “spot check” on various Tables and/or Views that would be impacted by the ingest, to confirm that the ingest data looks correct before finalizing it. Note that while Previewing, a window will be displayed stating PREVIEW: You are in preview mode, the data you are viewing is not committed. When you are ready to make a decision on how to proceed with the current ingest, select the [ Stop ] button on the Preview window, which will return you to the Ingest Status panel. There, you can decide whether to Finalize or Disregard the current ingest.

    3. [ Disregard ] - Selecting this option aborts the current ingest and makes no changes to the app data.

Note that for ingests that must be done regularly, it is often best to set up an automated ingest process that will update ShotFlow with new data automatically. Contact your ShotFlow Administrator or ShotFlow Support to request an automated ingest.