A "Style out" is the addition of other items to a primary ("hero") product for merchandising purposes. This is commonly done in apparel/fashion to show a hero product with other items as a "look" or a "cross-sell" that helps the buyer see how the product works with other offerings, and encourages buyers to purchase more than one item.

In ShotFlow, creating a Style Out requires very specific creation and linking of products, grouping(s) and shot records to deliver the expected results for capture and post workflows. Generally, a Style Out workflow starts with the following:

  • Product Data records have been created through Data Ingest to provide product metadata
  • Shot records have been created through Data Ingest as placeholders for the angles and Type(s) needed for each Product (e.g. Front Still, Back Still, and Side Still for a dress). 
  • Each shot is related to the product it depicts, but no other products, because it is not known what other products will be styled with each "hero" product

For ShotFlow to feature more than one product in a Shot, the Groupings module must be enabled for the brand app, and a Grouping record needs to be created for each combination of products that will be styled together. Then the shot(s) that are relevant to that Grouping need to be linked to the Grouping. 

The mobile workflow process is:

1. After logging in to the ShotFlow Samples and Styling Mobile App, use the Scan function [barcode icon] to scan the barcodes of the Samples that will be Grouped. Once all the items are scanned (a minimum of two are required for a Grouping), tap the Done button in the upper right hand corner.  (Or you may manually input sample barcodes into the Enter Barcode box. Read more here: Entering Sample Barcodes)

2. Tap the Group button

3. You can now enter information about the Grouping, including a Name (required), an optional Description, optional Styling Notes, and an optional Reference Image* using the Add Image button.

*If the Styling Guides module is active, the optional Reference Image will upload as a Style Guide linked to the Grouping, instead of the Reference Image appearing in the field on the Grouping table.

4. Tap Submit to create the Grouping and receive confirmation that products were successfully grouped. 

*Please note that the grouping still needs to be related to a shot. This can be achieved via Style Out in mobile app: 

Style-Out function on Mobile