When using the Product Centric View in Shotflow capture, users will be shown a Product Status. This Product Status is displayed using an icon identical to that of the Shot Status, and will enable users to quickly identify if all active shots for a product are Ready, In Progress, or Completed. 

Ready:  all related active Shots have a Status of "Ready"; no captures for any active shots

In Progress: all other combinations of Shot Status values; some shots may be Completed, Ready or In Progress.

Completed: all related active Shots have a Status of "Completed"

Marking All Shots for a Product as Completed

You are able to mark all Shots for a Product as Completed; however, this is also dependent on the Shot List configurations. If the Shot List configuration allows for Shots without captures to be marked as completed, or if there is at least one capture for all active Shots of a product, you can can right click on the product and choose Mark Complete. 

NOTE: Inactive shots are ignored when calculating the Status value for a Product, as well as when marking active shots completed.