If you are experiencing issues connecting to Capture or Platform, then please contact your IT department and ask them to whitelist (allow access to) the following: 

The following URLs should be open: 






The following ports should be open: 80, 443.

The load balancer static hostnames: 

Production: shotflow-platform-lb-1964572069.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com

Sandbox: shotflow-sandbox-lb-1458708821.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com

Staging: shotflow-staging-lb-1776246018.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com

*Load Balancers on all environments do not have static IP addresses. Each load balancer has 2 addresses with TTL of 60 seconds. Using a fixed set of addresses doesn't enable the high availability that comes with the service since AWS will remove instances to perform maintenance and shift them.*